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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Barbara Rowe Gordon (données partielles)

Autres noms : Barbara Gordon, Barbara Rowe

Films réalisés par Barbara Rowe Gordon

Citation sur Barbara Rowe Gordon [en anglais]

« Twenty-three year-old Barbara Rowe Gordon is another business manager at the [National] Film Board [of Canada]. Graduated from the University of Toronto in 1944 she joined the Board's staff and went into production. She has been out on location both as director and business manager. Working with the educational unit in making films for rural consumption, Barbara has had to shoot many street scenes. She recalls that it was necessary to exert her powers of persuasion and tact to the utmost in trying to make people agreeable to the idea of being filmed. [...] Barbara also follows the principle that on the telephone a woman's voice works wonders in getting equipment that couldn't ordinarily be procured by the rest of the crew. However, she did find that to make arrangements for power convincingly, she had to spend long hours with the crew boning up on ohms, watts, kilowatts and amperes. »
-- Betsy Mosbaugh (source)

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