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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Beryl Fox (données partielles)

Pays : Canada
Née : 1931

Films réalisés par Beryl Fox

Citations de Beryl Fox [en anglais]

« I grew up in a Winnipeg slum. Rats inhabited the plumbing and the cockroaches considered themselves joint tenants. Me, I gazed at the moon and dreamed of being significant. Significance, I assumed, was public recognition, awards and honours, and zero cockroaches. Since then I've achieved a number of my girlhood dreams. For instance, I've been warned by the Pentagon that if I ever returned as a journalist to a battle zone under their control, that I could get accidentally shot by friendly fire. That's public recognition enough for me. »
-- Beryl Fox (source)

« I know that what we've been told we [women] are by movies is a scam. We all know that. We have to create the opportunities to show otherwise. Nobody is going to give that opportunity. You can't do it alone. Having women partners is such a good way to go about it. This is such baloney about women not bonding. We work beautifully together. »
-- Beryl Fox (source)

« Nobody would let me direct a television drama. [...] You know, after being the 'pet' of the CBC for many years, nobody would hire me because I was too old, I was 42, 43, and they had training courses for young drama directors, but I could not get in. »
-- Beryl Fox (source)

« The greatest difficulty I had as a woman filmmaker was learning to take command. »
-- Beryl Fox (source)

Citations sur Beryl Fox [en anglais]

« For years one of Canada's most innovative and politically committed documentary filmmakers, Beryl Fox made seminal contributions to the development of television current affairs in the 1960s. She joined the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as a script assistant and researcher, and co-directed her first film in 1962. [...] Although she left the CBC in 1966, she continued to make documentaries for television throughout the seventies, until she began to produce feature fiction films for theatrical markets. Her work is consistently marked by clearly populist sympathies, commitment to social change, and strong liberal feminism. »
-- Kay Armatage (source)

« Miss [Beryl] Fox is an unexpected maker of hard news documentaries. She's a neat young blonde, with only a glint in her eye, a set to her jaw, and the film on the reel to suggest she can do it. »
-- Bruce Lawson (source)

« [Beryl Fox is] one of the most innovative documentary filmmakers, who made seminal contributions to the development of CBC [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation] documentary in the sixties [...]. »
-- Peter Morris (source)

Pour lire les CITATIONS sur un film spécifique de Beryl Fox, veuillez voir :   The Chief    Summer in Mississippi    The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam    Youth: In Search of Morality    Last Reflections on a War: Bernard Fall   

Notes sur Beryl Fox


Bibliographie sur Beryl Fox

Section 1 : Publications de Beryl Fox

Section 2 : Publications sur Beryl Fox

Brèves parties de livres

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Sites Web

Section 3 : Publications sur les films de Beryl Fox

One More River (A Report on the Mood of the South Nine Years After the Supreme Court Ordered Integration with All Deliberate Speed) (1963)  (autres titres : "One More River)", "The Mood of the South")

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam (1965)

Chapitres de livres

Brèves parties de livres

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Youth: In Search of Morality (1966)  (autre titre : "Youth")

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Saigon (1967)  (autre titre : "Saigon: Portrait of a City")

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Last Reflections on a War: Bernard Fall (1968)  (autre titre : "Last Reflections on a War")

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Fonds et collections d'archives

Ces centres d'archives conservent des fonds ou collections liés à Beryl Fox ou à ses films :

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