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Caroline Leaf

Countries: Canada / United States
Born: 1946

Films directed by Caroline Leaf

Quotes by Caroline Leaf

"I don't storyboard too closely; to have done all the fun work, and to animate it, there are no surprises left. But I also need to know where I'm going since I work under the camera. If I take a wrong turn I can't go back. So, as I come to each scene, I do some little sketches, particularly to know what the characters look like in different positions, so I don't get lost."
-- Caroline Leaf (source)

"I tell stories with my animation, and I have always worked directly under the camera, drawing, shooting it, changing the drawing, etc. To me it seems to be more alive than conventional cel animation, both to make it and to see it, for it is all made in one stage and the finished film shows my hesitations and miscalculations and flickers with fingerprints and quick strokes."
-- Caroline Leaf (source)

"The strongest influence on me is from literature rather than film. Kafka, Genêt, Ionesco, Beckett, have affected me most with the depths of their visions and world views, and ways of breaking up time to tell a story."
-- Caroline Leaf (source)

Quotes about Caroline Leaf

"[Caroline] Leaf draws in front of the camera, films her drawing and then destroys it in order to create the next one. In the end all that is left is the movie, which emerges from a process that she calls 'one-off performance.'"
-- Cesar Coelho et al (source)

"Using simple means—sand, silhouettes, and drawings etched directly onto film—Caroline Leaf has created films that possess the disturbing power of dreams."
-- Wyndham Wise (source)

Quotes about Caroline Leaf [in French]

"[Caroline Leaf] dessine devant la caméra, filme le dessin puis le détruit avant de passer au suivant. Au final, il ne lui reste que le film, fruit d'un travail qu'elle qualifie de 'performance unique'."
-- Cesar Coelho et al (source)

"Les films d'animation de Caroline Leaf doivent beaucoup au vocabulaire du cinéma de prises de vue réelles : mouvements de caméra, gros plans, plans composés en grande profondeur de champ, simultanéité d'actions sur deux plans... La spécificité de cette cinéaste ne réside pas tant dans ce qu'elle 'fasse cinéma', mais plutôt dans sa façon de prouver que l'animation peut tirer profit de la physicalité du matériau (le sable, la couleur) pour transmettre tout un registre de nuances et de textures."
-- Nicole Gingras (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Caroline Leaf, please see:   Sand or Peter and the Wolf    How Beaver Stole Fire    The Owl Who Married a Goose: An Eskimo Legend    The Street    The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa    Interview    Two Sisters   

Notes about Caroline Leaf


Bibliography for Caroline Leaf

Section 1: Publications by Caroline Leaf

Section 2: Publications about Caroline Leaf

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites


Web Sites

Section 3: Publications about the Films of Caroline Leaf

The Owl Who Married a Goose: An Eskimo Legend (1974)  (also known as: "Le mariage du hibou : une légende eskimo")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

The Street (1976)  (also known as: "La rue")

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa (1977)

Journal Articles

Interview (1979)

Dissertation Chapters

Two Sisters (1991)  (also known as: "Entre deux soeurs")

Book Chapters

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites


Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Caroline Leaf or her films:

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