Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Danis Goulet

Country: Canada

Films directed by Danis Goulet

Quotes by Danis Goulet

"I [...] want to be part of our communities seeing themselves on screen—the power of that can't be overestimated, especially when we have historically been excluded from the privilege of telling stories through cinema. To watch people, both Indigenous and not, go into a theatre and come out with their minds totally blown or transformed—I want to contribute to that."
-- Danis Goulet (source)

"Indigenous people need to be represented across the industry as film festival programmers, broadcasters, distributors, producers, all across the board. We need Indigenous crew in all levels of crew, so that there's a greater Indigenous presence on set. That's really important to the way we tell our stories. I totally subscribed to the Indigenous Screen Office's call where, when it comes to Indigenous stories, it's 'nothing about us without us.'"
-- Danis Goulet (source)

"Saskatchewan is home, full stop. But the Indigenous screen community that has become the people that I've grown up with once I relocated to Toronto has really been a source of strength and inspiration throughout all of the ups and downs."
-- Danis Goulet (source)

"To me, language contains world views and universes and it is rich and it is where we find our heritage. When I develop my projects, I just sit around the kitchen table with my dad and he just talks to me about Cree concepts and I ask him questions about language. And it is not a translation process; it is like a process of trying my best, as not a first-language speaker, to understand the philosophical implications of things."
-- Danis Goulet (source)

Quote by Danis Goulet [in French]

"Notre histoire a toujours été faussement racontée au cinéma et cette représentation a contribué à perpétuer des préjugés très tenaces. Il est maintenant temps de [raconter notre histoire] correctement. Sur ce plan, je sens une grande responsabilité, ce qui accentue la pression. J'aimerais bien que ce ne soit pas le cas, mais je n'ai pas le choix."
-- Danis Goulet (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Danis Goulet, please see:   Divided by Zero    Wapawekka    Barefoot    Wakening    Night Raiders   

Notes about Danis Goulet


Bibliography for Danis Goulet

Section 1: Publications about Danis Goulet

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Danis Goulet

Spin (2003)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Divided by Zero (2006)

Brief Sections of Dissertations

Wapawekka (2010)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Barefoot (2012)  (also known as: "Désir d'enfant", "Wunsch Kind")

Brief Sections of Books

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Wakening (2013)

Journal Articles

Brief Sections of Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Night Raiders (2021)  (also known as: "Les voleurs de la nuit")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

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