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2 secondes -- Film Description:
"Just moments before the start of a mountain-bike downhill, Laurie, a young racer, hesitates for a couple of seconds. That hesitation quickly turns into a retirement from the sport. She returns to Montreal, goes to live with her brother, a physicist who divides his time between hunting girlfriends and theorizing about relativity. Laurie attempts to assuage her need for speed by working as a bicycle courier downtown. By chance she comes across the bicycle shop of Lorenzo, a grumpy, Italian former cycling champion who now holes up in the back of his workshop installing wheels. Lorenzo takes an instant dislike to Laurie; this girl reminds him too much of himself. But Laurie is stubborn and keeps coming back for more. One evening they decide to face off in a peculiar conversational duel. Lorenzo shows Laurie how every triumph is relative and that, as with relativity, speed is not the only way to make time stand still."
-- World Film Festival / Festival des films du monde

"Festival des films du monde de Montréal / Montreal World Film Festival" Festival des films du monde. [English / French]