Two Spirited --
Film Description:
"This short documentary presents the empowering story of Rodney 'Geeyo' Poucette's struggle against prejudice in the Indigenous community as a two spirited person (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender). Geeyo registers as a dancer in the Kamloopa Powwow under the Jingle Dress category (normally reserved for women). Deeply humiliated by a misguided elder, Geeyo is reminded by his grandmother that two spirited people were once respected and honoured for their spiritual gifts. Geeyo eventually makes a triumphant return to the powwow arena, realizing that the only way to change people's minds is to walk proudly while being true to one's spirit."
-- National Film Board of Canada
National Film Board of Canada. "NFB -- First Stories - Two Spirited" National Film Board of Canada.