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réalisatrices canadiennes
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The Honourable René Lévesque -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« Documentary portrait of René Lévesque. Film includes: bomb explosion; demonstrations in Quebec; Lévesque speech; street interviews with French and English Canadians regarding Lévesque and Quebec situation; Quebec winter carnival; Plains of Abraham; Lévesque (voice-over) talks about the Battle and history books; statues of Wolfe and Montcalm; Lévesque speech while still in Liberal Party regarding Quebec; Quebec countryside in winter; Lévesque's family house; woman's speech about Lévesque; man from his home town; Lévesque in car; CBC's Washington correspondent, James R. Minifie, (voice-over) describes Lévesque's visit to Washington (including his social life); Lévesque discussing welfare case with a woman; Lévesque in barber shop; Lévesque in his office on the phone; cartoons of Lévesque; Lévesque discussing the 'quiet revolution'; whether he is a separatist; whether conflict is good for Quebec; and whether he is a fanatic. »
-- Library and Archives Canada

Source :
"ArchiviaNet: Online Research Tool: Film, Video and Sound / ArchiviaNet : Recherche en ligne : Films, vidéos et enregistrements sonores" Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. [English / French]