Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Soop On Wheels -- Film Description:
"Soop on Wheels, Sandy Greer's documentary about Canadian Native cartoonist, political satirist, and educator Everett Soop, is an example of heartfelt and important filmmaking. Everett Soop is a person of amazing strength and dignity despite a deteriorative, terminal illness that never impedes him in his life's work. A renowned artist in his native Canada, Soop's political cartoons have been widely published in the United States and Canada. Soop on Wheels is set against the bleak landscape of the Canadian prairies and the desolate isolation of Soop's political perspective. Greer's filmmaking touches this stark sense of realism in a telling and delicate way and exposes the inherent alienation of satire. The film lends to the understanding of a brilliant and complex man whose life work resonates with honesty and inspiration."
-- Sundance Film Festival

"Sundance Film Festival" Sundance Institute.