Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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It Starts With a Whisper -- Film Description:
"It Starts With a Whisper was produced in the Six Nations/Brantford area, with an all-Native cast, and features locations on the Grand River which runs through the Six Nations Reserve. The film blends traditional Iroquois imagery, music and themes with motifs from contemporary, secular life. [...] Eighteen-year-old Shanna Sabbath, who has grown up on the Reserve, must now decide what path to follow in life. The choice between traditional and contemporary values seems impossible. She feels all alone, yet she is watched over by ancestral spirits—three 'matriarchal clowns' who sometimes appear in the form of her outrageous aunts: Emily, Molly and Pauline. The aunts take Shanna on a mythic journey to Niagara Falls. [...]"
-- Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

"CFMDC Film Catalogue" Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre.