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Scarborough -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« Taking place over the span of a school year, [Scarborough] follows three interwoven families fighting an uphill struggle against debt, addiction, and job insecurity. The directors' exacting attention to detail frames the vibrant, rapidly changing neighbourhood with a universality and compassion that makes the film strikingly humanistic. The triptych story centres on three characters: Bing, a Filipino boy living under the shadow of his father's abuse and mental illness; Sylvie, an Indigenous girl whose family struggles to find permanent housing; and Laura, afflicted by her parents' neglect. The trio is connected through their neighbourhood and the morning school program they all attend, run by Ms. Hina, a caring teacher and a figure of inspiration in their lives. Scarborough offers a raw yet empathetic glimpse into a diverse community that finds its dignity in unexpected places: a collective refusal to be fractured by individual challenges and instead be brought together through kindness and solidarity. [...] »
-- Ravi Srinivasan

Source :
"2021 Toronto International Film Festival" Toronto International Film Festival.