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Ten Cents a Dance (Parallax) -- Film Description:
"'Parallax is the apparent change in position of an object resulting from the change in direction or position from which it is viewed.' Confusion, underlying meaning, and unspoken truths are often associated with the dialectic of sexual communication. Mingled with the intensity and unpredictability of a 'one night stand,' they generate unique sensations—mixed emotion, risk, excitement. The film employs formal devices in a manner which is simple yet effective. Its subject matter—sexuality and communication—gains depth and poignancy through the artist's decision to shoot the film's three scenes for projection in a double-screen configuration, providing an elegant solution to deal with potentially sensationalist subject matter. The separation which the two screens impose on the film's viewing evokes the aloneness which is the common experience of all human beings and the spaces we hope to bridge."
-- Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

"CFMDC Film Catalogue" Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre.