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A.rtificial I.mmortality -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« As technologies advance faster than our ability to understand their consequences, virtual immortality awaits us through developments in artificial intelligence. For self-help guru Deepak Chopra, this is an opportunity to free our minds from physical constraints. For others it's a Pandora's box of ethical repercussions. What separates us from machines when androids assume our identities? Director Ann Shin explores the broader and more personal implications of a post-biological world by collaborating with programmers and robotics engineers. By uploading her memories to create a digital clone, she gives her future descendants the option to have a simulated conversation with her, rather than rely on photo albums and family memories alone. As her aging father faces a faltering memory, the desire to preserve her own past takes on a new urgency. Our unique desire to become eternal raises fundamental questions about who we truly are and what price we're willing to pay to conquer death. »
-- Alexander Rogalski

Source :
"Hot Docs" Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival.