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Violation -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« In Madeleine Sims-Fewer and Dusty Mancinelli's deeply disturbing debut feature, a traumatic betrayal drives a woman towards a vengeful extremity. [...] Sims-Fewer herself achingly portrays the film's principal psyche, Miriam, a woman treading water in an unhappy marriage who hopes to find solace in a weekend reunion with her estranged younger sister, Greta (Anna Maguire), at a secluded cottage estate. Along with their respective husbands, Miriam's brooding partner Caleb (Obi Abili) and Greta's affable Dylan (Jesse LaVercombe), they find themselves navigating a minefield of one another's sensitivies and histories, culminating in a traumatic series of betrayals—the root of which is a deeply upsetting act of sexual violence. Scrambling the temporality of what would normally proceed as an archetypal, linear revenge thriller, Mancinelli and Sims-Fewer judiciously eschew the genre's conventions of catharsis, and instead recognize that some horrors cannot be so easily exorcised or reconciled. [...] »
-- Peter Kuplowsky

Source :
"2020 Toronto International Film Festival" Toronto International Film Festival.