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Fix: The Story of an Addicted City -- Film Description:
"This documentary captures the pulse of one of the most controversial issues of our times. It is the story of Vancouver's struggle to open Canada's first safe injection site for drug users. It is the story of a man and of a city fighting drugs and addiction. Dean Wilson used to be an IBM salesman. Now he is possibly the most outspoken drug addict in Canada. He is a loud and articulate advocate for street addicts from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, one of Canada's poorest neighbourhoods, and the site of the highest HIV rate in North America. Ann Livingston is the charismatic organizer of Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU). She is a nonuser, driven by an impatient spirituality. She is extremely confrontational. In 27 cities around the world, safe injection sites have been proven to save lives. Together Ann and Dean lead an unpredictable crew of street addicts in their fight to open North America's first safe injection site for drug users in Vancouver."
-- National Film Board of Canada

National Film Board of Canada. "NFB -- Fix: The Story of an Addicted City" National Film Board of Canada.