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Partition pour voix de femmes

Directed by Sophie Bissonnette, Deepa Dhanraj, Pat Fiske, Anne Laure Folly, Nicolette Freeman, Carmen Guarini, and Helene Klodawsky
Canada, 2001 (documentary, 86 minutes, colour, French)
Also known as "A Score for Women's Voices"
Partition pour voix de femmes
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"Between March and October 2000, millions of people around the world took to the streets to denounce poverty and violence against women. The historic World March of Women was a bold initiative of the Québec Federation of Women and represented a turning point in global solidarity. Director Sophie Bissonnette invited five filmmakers from around the world to cover the march. She also asked each one to film an innovative project. In Senegal a community battles female genital mutilation through education. In Australia a women's circus teaches survivors of sexual assault to become skilled performers. In India a group of low-caste women mediate domestic disputes in informal women's courts. Native women in Ecuador offer leadership training programs to create women leaders. In the United States, Linda Carney describes why she founded Survival Inc. for poor women in Boston: this wealthy city refused her and her son welfare benefits unless she quit her minimum-wage job. Set against the backdrop of a song, A Score for Women's Voices ends at the UN, where women deliver 5 million cards signed during the marches. Their goal? To change the world!"
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Sophie Bissonnette
Produced by: Monique Simard, Marcel Simard
Narrator: Paule Baillargeon, Ginette Boivin, Michèle Magny, Louise Rémy
Cinematography: Martin Duckworth, Philippe Lavalette, Alex Margineanu
Film Editing: Dominique Sicotte
Music: Karen Young
Production Company: Office national du film du Canada / National Film Board of Canada, Les productions Virage
Additional Credits: Idée originale [original idea]: Sophie Bissonnette

Quote by the Director [in French]

"Quarante langues sont utilisées dans le film [Partition pour voix de femmes], dont onze dans le seul volet du Burkina Faso. Il fallait trouver des traducteurs, mais aussi jongler avec des formats, des niveaux de qualité différents. Certains documents furent tournés avec des caméras amateurs, sans moyens techniques. D'autres nous parvenaient impeccables."
-- Sophie Bissonnette (source)

Quotes about Partition pour voix de femmes [in French]

"Tout en supervisant de loin le travail de ses co-cinéastes, Sophie [Bissonnette] organisait une multitude de tournages sur les activités de la Marche dans le monde, en collaboration étroite avec les organisatrices de la Marche à Montréal et les coordinations nationales d'une vingtaine de pays. Elle-même filmait toutes les 'manifs' nord-américaines, de Montréal à New York."
-- Françoise Guénette (source)

"Tourné simplement, Partition pour voix de femmes n'en demeure pas moins touchant et bouleversant."
-- Isabelle Massé (source)

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