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Thank God I'm a Lesbian

Réalisé par Dominique Cardona et Laurie Colbert
Canada, 1992 (documentaire, 59 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Thank God I'm a Lesbian is an engaging documentary which speaks to the diversity of lesbian identities. Writers Dionne Brand and Nicole Brossard, musician Lee Pui Ming, and many other prominent women speak frankly and articulately about issues ranging from coming out, racism, bisexuality, and S&M, to the evolution of the feminist and lesbian movements, outing, compulsory heterosexuality, and lesbian literature. »
-- Festival of Festivals (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Produit par : Laurie Colbert
Participants : Dionne Brand, Nicole Brossard, Lee Pui Ming, Becki Ross, Julia Creet, Laverne Monette, Sarah Schulman, Chris Bearchell, Chris Phibbs, Christine Delphy, Jeanelle Savona
Images : Kim Derko, Dominique Le Rigoleur
Société de production : Kasandra

Notes sur Thank God I'm a Lesbian


Citation sur Thank God I'm a Lesbian [en anglais]

« The strength [of Thank God I'm a Lesbian] lies in the representation of the range of reactions and responses to each issue, even within the narrow parameters of the interviewees chosen—hypereducated and erudite as they all are. The overall impression is that the lesbian community consists of many, often conflicting, perspectives and opinions and that the tyranny of the politically correct has not, contrary to popular (lesbian) belief, thoroughly colonized our minds. »
-- Alisa Lebow (source)

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