Film Description: "Learning Peace: A Big School with a Big Heart chronicles a year at Annapolis East Elementary. A school where over 700 kids play, study, meet and—like kids everywhere—sometimes fight. But thanks to an anti-violence program introduced in 1996 by principal Heather Harris, bullying and fighting have become a rarity. Peace education has been fully integrated into the school curriculum. Meanwhile, a peer mediation program helps students settle disputes, good behaviour is rewarded at monthly assemblies, and a full-time counsellor devotes his days (lunch hours and breaks included) to helping kids address anger. Over the course of a year, it becomes clear that peace is hard work—but well worth the effort." -- National Film Board of Canada
Film Description [in French] : "Dans la production L'apprentissage de la paix - Une grande école au grand coeur, signée Teresa MacInnes, des jeunes trouvent des solutions à l'intimidation et à la violence dans les écoles." -- Office national du film du Canada