Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Anne Trister

Directed by Léa Pool
Canada, 1986 (fiction, 102 minutes, colour, French)
Anne Trister
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"Anne Trister, a young Swiss Jewish artist, is profoundly affected by the death of her father. After quitting school, she leaves Switzerland for Quebec to visit her friend Alix, a psychologist to whom she becomes attracted. Through her work, Alix has developed an emotional bond with Sarah, a rebellious child with an enormous need to be loved. Detached from the world around her, Anne takes over a vacant studio to paint a giant fresco and throws herself into a series of fleeting and impulsive affairs."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Léa Pool, Marcel Beaulieu
Produced by: Roger Frappier, Claude Bonin
Principal Cast: Albane Guilhe, Lucie Laurier, Louise Marleau, Nuvit Ozdogru, Hugues Quester, Guy Thauvette, Kim Yaroshevskaya
Cinematography: Pierre Mignot
Film Editing: Michel Arcand
Music: René Dupéré
Production Company: Office national du film du Canada / National Film Board of Canada, Les Films Vision 4 Inc.

Awards won by Anne Trister

Notes about Anne Trister


Quote by the Director [in French]

"Ça ne me gêne pas d'affirmer que l'autobiographie a été une constante dans mon oeuvre, pour la bonne raison que le résultat est plus complexe qu'on le pense. Ainsi, un personnage comme Anne Trister, en principe, me représente. Pourtant, les éléments de ma vie se confondent en elle avec des éléments du vécu de cinq ou six autres personnes qui ont marqué mon existence. De plus, elle incarne une période de mon passé à laquelle je ne m'identifie plus aujourd'hui, tandis que le personnage qui lui donne la réplique, Alix, me semble une transposition plus proche de ce que je suis inconsciemment."
-- Léa Pool (source)

Quotes about Anne Trister

"The film [Anne Trister] is obsessed with the construction and repetition of images of personal and cultural memory, which form an aesthetics of trauma."
-- Jean Bruce (source)

"Slow and reflective, Anne Trister is a drama of delicate sensibilities and refinement. We are taken on a journey—conducted at a stately pace—through Anne's emotional development as she progresses from grieving daughter to recovered adult woman."
-- Alison Darren (source)

"The film [Anne Trister] is fictional, but it has many elements common to the life of Léa Pool, who, like her heroine, was born in Switzerland of Jewish origin and who moved to Canada. [...] Pool's background made her question her identity. Her father was a stateless Jew in Switzerland, a country with only about 20,000 Jews in a population of about seven million."
-- Tony Simons (source)

"[Anne Trister] goes beyond the conventional girl-meets-girl scenario in a number of ways. Pool attempts to symbolize the relation between the two women through a particular use of space, mise-en-scène and metaphor, at the same time exploring the connections between this romance and the original love for mother."
-- Lizzie Thynne (source)

Quote about Anne Trister [in French]

"Comme pour retrouver la magie du cinématographe des premiers temps, le film Anne Trister s'ouvre et se ferme sur les images d'un désert. Ouverture et fermeture à l'iris en somme, qui nous fait pénétrer au coeur même de la vie d'Anne, comme les spectateurs de jadis entraient dans le monde des images animées. Cette tournure stylistique ne serait pourtant qu'un début et une fin donnant au film sa forme de cercle parfait, se résolvant précisément là où il a commencé, si Léa Pool n'avait su habilement filer la métaphore, telle un fil d'Ariane qui nous guide, à travers les méandres du comportement des personnages."
-- Roger Bourdeau (source)

Bibliography for Anne Trister

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