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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Réalisé par Moira Simpson
Canada, 1979 (documentaire, 13 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« An examination of racial prejudice in Canada focusing on a variety of ethnic minorities and their problems upon immigration. »
-- University of Toronto Libraries: Catalogue (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Produit par : Moira Simpson, Elizabeth Walker

Notes sur Emigrante


Citation sur Emigrante [en anglais]

« [Moira Simpson's] first solo film, Emigrante (1979), was sponsored by the B.C. Multicultural Department and it's about racism in Canada—a lively musical collage of racist attitudes expressed as voices over sympathetic images of the people against whom prejudice is directed, a powerful example of how non-verbal expression can be used progressively to combat cliches. »
-- Barbara Halpern Martineau (source)

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