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Directed by Joyce Wieland
Canada, 1967 (experimental, 3 minutes, colour)
Image: © Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

Film Description:
"Sailboat has the simplicity of a child's drawing. A toy-like image of a sailboat sails without interruption on the water, to the sound of roaring waves, which seems to underline the image to the point of exaggeration, somewhat in the way a child might draw a picture of water and write word sounds on it to make it as emphatic as possible. The little image is interrupted at one point by a huge shoulder appearing briefly in the left-hand corner."
-- Robert Cowan (source)


Notes about Sailboat


Quotes about Sailboat

"[Joyce Wieland] directed such classics as Sailboat (1968), a minimalist, playful and profound film consisting of a series of shots of a sailboat moving across the screen with the word 'sailboat' titled across the top. In its simplicity, the film draws attention to the screen and to the perimeters of the frame. Moreover, the titles destroy any illusion of reality, underscoring the flatness of the screen."
-- Barbara Goslawski (source)

"Joyce Wieland, the wife of Michael Snow, has used loop printing for at least two kinds of structure. In Sailboat the loop gives an illusion of continuous movement as a boat sails from screen left and out of screen right repeatedly; in 1933 a single shot of a street taken from a high window with people rushing in fast motion and slowing down to normal motion (without a change of shots) is seen about a dozen times. Occasionally the title, 1933, is printed over the entire shot, and between each set of repetitions there is white leader marked by different red flashes."
-- P. Adams Sitney (source)

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