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"It is tempting for filmmakers from minoritized groups to offer positive images as a corrective to negative stereotypes. But this strategy appeals to and reinforces the very value system that oppresses. Instead of this conservative approach, Poundmaker's Lodge historicizes the introduction of alcohol by European explorers and fur traders 'not as a social drink but as a poison,' a tool for facilitating the misappropriation of land and resources. While settler-colonial society by turns condemns or laments alcohol and drug addiction among Indigenous people, it continues to benefit from its ravages."
-- Richard Fung

Fung, Richard. "Poundmaker's Lodge: A Healing Place." In Alanis Obomsawin: Lifework, edited by Richard William Hill and Hila Peleg. Munich: Prestel, 2022. 'This book accompanies the exhibition The Children Have to Hear Another Story—Alanis Obomsawin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, January 23-April 18, 2022; Vancouver Art Gallery, Spring 2023; Art Museum at the University of Toronto, Summer 2023'. [exhibition catalogue] (p. 143)