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"This film [Mother of Many Children] is important for the youth of today and for people outside of Indigenous communities, because it offers the opportunity to examine the effects of colonization and maps the progress, and in some cases deterioration, of Indigenous communities. It also offers introduction to people in remote communities who we normally would never hear from. When we see history, it's deeper than just hearing about it; it gives us a visual into our parents' and grandparents' lives."
-- Doreen Manuel

Manuel, Doreen. "Mother of Many Children." In Alanis Obomsawin: Lifework, edited by Richard William Hill and Hila Peleg. Munich: Prestel, 2022. 'This book accompanies the exhibition The Children Have to Hear Another Story—Alanis Obomsawin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, January 23-April 18, 2022; Vancouver Art Gallery, Spring 2023; Art Museum at the University of Toronto, Summer 2023'. [exhibition catalogue] (p. 29)