Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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"Intelligence on the part of the audience to respond if there should be intellectual effort put into the making of a moving picture should be taken for granted. If a producer is spending thousands of dollars on a picture, he might as well select a vital subject as a brainless, superficial one, do you not think? A novelist is trustful that there will be readers for a book that has strength and life. Why should a moving picture producer be frightened of making a picture that has individuality and is not a repetition of situations done to death—if they ever were alive."
-- Evelyn Spice Cherry

Regina Leader-Post. "Intelligence of house discounted by film producers, says director Miss Evelyn Spice, of GPO Films Department: Confident life and strength in pictures would find responsive audiences." Interview with Evelyn Spice. Regina Leader-Post, January 19, 1935.