Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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"I was sick of all these little groups, like little priesthoods of understanding, groups that believed in one theory or another, and I found things drying up towards the late sixties. I also had been reading what the nationalist writers had been writing and I had been reading my own history again and had been very much involved with American history and various demonstrations and all kinds of political work there. Finally, when I took all this into consideration, I realized that the statistics looked terrible in terms of Canada surviving as a nation. I began to absorb that into my work and I did Rat Life and Diet in North America and then started the quilted works."
-- Joyce Wieland

Holmes-Moss, Kristy A., and Barbara Stevenson. "Joyce Wieland: Interview and Notes on Reason over Passion and Pierre Vallières." Interview with Joyce Wieland. Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques 15, no. 2 (Autumn 2006). (p. 116)