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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« Reason Over Passion was not merely a suite of works that marked the maturation of Joyce Wieland's nationalism. It was the summit of her nationalism, a grand gesture resulting from years abroad, marking home as her primary concern, as the dwindling apocalyptic days of the 1960s had left her wondering if there would even be a country to return home to. She revealed that home in its vastness, in a premature mourning of the land. »
-- Stephen Broomer

Source :
BROOMER, Stephen. « Glowing Hearts: Joyce Wieland's La Raison avant la passion / Reason Over Passion (1969) » , dans Codes of the North: Difficulty in the Origins of the Canadian Avant-Garde Film, 2015. Thèse de doctorat, Ryerson University & York University. (p. 205) [en anglais]