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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« By 1939 Evelyn Spice had married Lawrence Cherry, a fellow-Canadian who was also working in films in Britain, though in a different group. [...] So the Cherrys came back to Canada, where it was Evelyn's intention to do a little free-lance work, no more. But between 1939 and 1942, when they came to Ottawa to join the Film Board, Evelyn was just as busy as she has always been. She and Lawrence pooled their talents in making pictures for independent firms, operating from a Saskatchewan farm. It was there that Evelyn Spice developed her knowledge of agricultural and rural life, and today she is the recognized expert at NFB. The youngest Cherry, John, was born during those days too, and Evelyn thought she would probably continue to free-lance, and not undertake a full-time job. She was thoroughly conscious of her responsibilities as a mother, and even after the Cherrys had come East, at Grierson's request, she was dubious about joining the Film Board staff. Eventually her energetic mind found the right solution. Along with other parents the Cherrys founded a nursery school in Ottawa, at which John was happy and busy; happier, his parents feel, than at home as an only child. [...] Evelyn is one of the few Film Boarders who stick to a strict schedule, and this is because of her determination that John will not suffer because his mother works. Much of the business of movie-making is done at odd hours, on into the night if necessary. But Evelyn arrives at 9:30, goes home for lunch with the family, and leaves at 5:30, coming back later in the evenings sometimes, but never missing precious Saturday afternoons at home if she can help it. »
-- Elspeth Chisholm

Source :
CHISHOLM, Elspeth. « They make movies », Chatelaine, avril 1946. (p. 81) [en anglais]