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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« Ambitious and meticulous, years in the making, exploiting some of the top cinema craftspeople in Canada's film industry, The Far Shore (1976) appropriated and messed around with the genre of period melodrama, presenting a visual allegory about the patriarchal and colonial subjection of women, creative artists, the natural environment, and ultimately the moral degradation of the colonials themselves. The film became a much-admired touchstone of feminist film in Canada. But while the film is conceptually brilliant, it is also deeply flawed: the radical fusion of narrative and formalist cinemas was simply too ambitious to perfect on the first try. »
-- Jonathan Culp

Source :
CULP, Jonathan. « Farther Shores: Experiments in Canadian Feature Narrative » , dans Explosion in the Movie Machine: Essays and Documents on Toronto Artists' Film and Video, sous la direction de Chris Gehman, Toronto, Images Festival and Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto, 2013. [en anglais] (p. 191)