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Citation :
« I wanted to work in acrylics, but supply and shipping were disrupted by the pandemic and I couldn't get animation paper [for How to Be at Home]—but I had lots of books. I love animated projects that use books (especially The Opposites Game by Lisa LaBracio) and I was curious. Also, the motif of a book—of reading, an activity we might turn to while isolated at home—lent itself well to the theme of the poem. The books, themselves, were another story. I wanted old books that had yellowing pages. I found several books in my boyfriend's mother's basement and the rest came from a friend who works at a second-hand bookstore. I used around 15 books in total. »
-- Andrea Dorfman

Source :
ANIMATION MAGAZINE. « Short-form magic », Animation Magazine, vol. 35, no. 6, juin-juillet 2021. (p. 29) [en anglais]