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Citation :
« A Job in a Million marked a genre shift for Evelyn Spice who, along with others at the GPO Film Unit, was drawn to the dramatised documentary form. It is the story of a young boy who succeeds through a combination of commitment, strong work ethic and the paternalistic support of the Post Office. Part recruitment film, part paean to the benevolence and rigour of the GPO's training programme, the film emphasises the serious nature of public service and the responsibilities of the postal service worker to uphold the public trust. As a social document, the film presents an intriguing portrait of the holistic nature of the GPO's approach to training, including studies, medical care, athletic programmes and other leisure activities. Of note in the film is Spice's sensitive treatment of working-class youth, not as a homogenous group, but as individuals with different abilities, personalities and needs. »
-- Barbara Evans

Source :
Evans, Barbara. "BFI Screenonline: Job in a Million, A (1937)" British Film Institute.