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Citation :
« The animation by Blackfoot visual artist Mitchell Poundmaker, who is from Saskatchewan, gives the film [Buffalo Calling] a haunting quality. No words are necessary as the tragedy of the buffaloes' demise is acted out by his characters. [Tasha] Hubbard approached the Banff Centre, an organization that helps emerging artists, with her idea, and the staff there assisted. At first daunted by the magnitude of depicting this story via film, Hubbard realized that the difficulties of telling such a story through film could be overcome with animation. The center's staff used unconventional animation techniques to capitalize on Poundmaker's strengths as a visual artist. »
-- Indian Country Today

Source :
INDIAN COUNTRY TODAY. « 'Buffalo Calling' hauntingly depicts bison's tragic tale in Canada », Indian Country Today, 16 août 2014. [en anglais]