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Citation :
« [In Sally's Beauty Spot] it was important to assert Sally as an active and interested viewer who took pleasure in the images of Suzie, a stereotypical 'dragon lady' and 'hooker with a heart of gold.' Although The World of Suzie Wong is addled with clichés, it was one of the few attractive mass-media images—one of the few images whatsoever—for young girls like us growing up in North American suburbs in the '70s, and this old 1960 film seemed to be on TV all the time. [...] Sally's viewing provokes a discussion about how we find pleasure in things that are supposedly 'bad' for us, in reputedly racist images such as Suzie Wong. »
-- Helen Lee

Source :
HOOLBOOM, Mike. « Helen Lee: Priceless » , entretien avec Helen Lee, dans Practical Dreamers: Conversations with Movie Artists, Toronto, Coach House Books, 2008. [en anglais] (p. 25)