Citation :
« In 1941, [John] Grierson turned to another freelancer—American filmmaker Laura Boulton—to make a series of films on Canadian cultural communities. The series was called Peoples of Canada, and its goal was to broaden awareness of Canada's cultural mosaic, in order to create a feeling of national unity. Boulton held degrees in music and anthropology, and had a passion for world music. She had previously spent several years traveling, during which she documented the musical traditions of various African peoples, and collected samples of their music. When she arrived at the NFB, Boulton had a six-week contract to make one film. She wound up staying three years [...]. »
-- Marc St-Pierre
Source :
ST-PIERRE, Marc. « Women and film: A tribute to the female pioneers of the NFB », NFB Blog, 4 mars 2013.
[en anglais]