Citation :
« I think it's a little bit tough [for women filmmakers] because a lot of the power, and the money, and the control is watched over by men. And a lot of those men don't yet feel comfortable in dealing with a woman on an equal footing. [...] But on the positive side of things, I think it's the women who have the stories that come from the heart, and it's the women who are very committed and won't be stopped. I think women have a terrific sense of humour and we've always told stories among ourselves. Maybe we haven't had quite as much self-confidence as we'd like to have in telling our stories to a wider audience, but I think that's changing. And I think there are probably more men around now who enjoy working with women. So I remain optimistic. »
-- Sandy Wilson
Source :
COLE, Janis et Holly DALE. « Sandy Wilson »
, entretien avec Sandy Wilson,
dans Calling the Shots: Profiles
of Women Filmmakers, Kingston, Ont., Quarry Press, 1993.
[en anglais] (p. 253)